Thursday, December 27, 2012
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Digital Photography Workshops
New Jersey Audubon has always been an organization that has helped people learn about and experience nature. However, for a long time we have also been a place where people can come to learn about art. We have our natural crafts for the home series, the Isobel Wayrick Wildlife Art Gallery, and we also offer our own digital photography workshop series.
If you are looking for a way to beat the winter doldrums and learn more about nature photography, the digital photography workshops at Scherman Hoffman will do just that. Although they are a series, you are not required to attend every one, and you can start attending at any time.
Here are the 2013 workshops. Pre-registration is required and you can call 908-766-5787 to sign up. You can also sign up for multiple workshops at one time. You can learn more about them at co-instructor Dave DesRochers' website.
DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY WORKSHOP X - Creative nature photography
Saturday, May 4, 2013
10:00A.M. to 12:30 p.m. with Jacki Dickert
If you are looking for a way to beat the winter doldrums and learn more about nature photography, the digital photography workshops at Scherman Hoffman will do just that. Although they are a series, you are not required to attend every one, and you can start attending at any time.
Here are the 2013 workshops. Pre-registration is required and you can call 908-766-5787 to sign up. You can also sign up for multiple workshops at one time. You can learn more about them at co-instructor Dave DesRochers' website.
Saturday January 12, 2013
10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. with Roman Kurywczak
Workshop 6 will focus on techniques of photographing the night sky. Roman Kurywczak is nationally known for his striking night photography, and will share his methods for this work, many of which he has covered in his instructional ebook, available at .
Pre-register by January 5.
Cost: $12 members, $25 nonmembers.
Saturday February 23, 2013
10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. with Dave DesRochers
Workshop 7 will focus on techniques used to photograph landscapes, from the majestic scenery of the American West to the hidden treasures in your own back yard. In addition to reviewing equipment selection and use, the topics of time of day, weather, composition and light will be covered. Students will also be introduced to the methods used to create panoramas.
Pre-register by February 16.
Cost: $12 members, $25 nonmembers.
DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY WORKSHOP VIII - Taking your photography to the next level
Saturday, March 16, 2013
10:00A.M. to 12:30 p.m. with Nick Palmieri
Workshop 8 will focus on in camera composition and digital editing techniques to help beginning and intermediate photographers take their photography up a level. Nick Palmieri will discuss visualization, composition, and editing methods that will lead to more images that participants can enlarge, print, or enter in photography club competitions.
Pre-Register by March 9.
Cost: $12 members, $25 nonmembers
Saturday, April 27, 2013
10:00A.M. to 12:30 p.m. with Jim Gilbert
Saturday, April 27, 2013
10:00A.M. to 12:30 p.m. with Jim Gilbert
Workshop 9 will focus on bird photography. Birds present special photographic challenges. Most are small, distant, and rapidly moving much of the time. This workshop will deal with both the field craft needed to approach birds closely enough to photograph, as well as the technical aspects of lens and camera setting selection. The workshop will emphasize knowing the habits of your subject. .
Pre-register by April 20.
Cost: $12 members $25 nonmembers
Cost: $12 members $25 nonmembers
DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY WORKSHOP X - Creative nature photography
Saturday, May 4, 2013
10:00A.M. to 12:30 p.m. with Jacki Dickert
Workshop 10 will focus on creative nature photography. Jacki will delve into “the art of seeing,” incorporating elements of design into our images, awakening the imagination, and using the camera to its fullest to create special effects. In addition, we will cover some Photoshop effects and techniques that will allow us to create unique works of art from our photos.
Pre-Register by April 27.
Cost: $12 members, $25 nonmembers.
Cost: $12 members, $25 nonmembers.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Scherman Hoffman--Up and Running!
We hope that you all successfully weathered Sandy. At the Sanctuary, we did see a tremendous amount of downed trees, but our expert staff worked tireless to restore the trails. Thanks to them, we are open and back in business! The only trails that remain closed are the ones connecting to the national park.
With two major weather events occurring in such a short amount of time and with the dropping temperatures we are seeing heading into December, be sure to stock up on birdseed for your feathered friends, who will need their strength. Our store remains open and our birdseed is available for purchase.
Best of luck to everyone, and be sure to check our website for more details and upcoming programs!
Note- The Scherman Hoffman Wildlife Sanctuary will be closed for Thanksgiving.
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
HIKE & SEEK™ October 13!
This weekend be sure not to miss one of the biggest events on the Sanctuary all year: Hike and Seek™ We've been getting a lot of press about this event, on, patch, and the Bernardsville News,
Saturday, October 13
9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Hike & Seek™, a National Wildlife Federation fundraising event, is a cross between a nature hike and scavenger hunt, aimed at bringing family and friends together in the great outdoors – for fresh air and fun! Held at the Scherman-Hoffman Wildlife Sanctuary, the 1.5-mile hiking adventure will allow for kids to connect with nature and interact with five adventurous Stop & Study locations on our trails. By trading screen time for green time, this go-at-your-own-pace event will surely create a lasting impression and promote a healthy lifestyle for kids of all ages! Please preregister at:
If you can't make Hike and Seek™ but still want to learn about nature this weekend, be sure to check out our Mountains Majesty program or go on a nature walk in Kittatinny Valley:
Sunday, October 14
1:30 to 2:30 p.m.
Pete Bacinski will treat you to a spectacular nature and scenic tour of America’s western mountains, featuring national parks such as Mt. Rainier, Mt. St. Helens, North Cascades, Olympic, Rocky Mountain, Yellowstone, and Glacier; as well as Mt. Evans, southeast Arizona, and Montana/Wyoming’s Beartooth Range, America’s little-known scenic treasure. This PowerPoint program features landscapes, glorious wildflowers, and the birds and mammals of these remarkable locales. Please preregister by calling 908.766.5787.
Cost:$15 members,
$20 nonmembers.
October 20,
8:30 to about 11:30 a.m.
Repeating on November 10 and 17,
8:30 to about 11:30 a.m.
Led by Tom Halliwell, Joe Burgiel, or other NJ Audubon naturalists. Cosponsored by NJ Audubon and the Paulinskill Valley Trail Committee. Meet in the parking lot on the left, at the south end of Twin Lakes on Goodale Road, Andover. This is about 0.5 miles east of Route 206 (DeLorme 24, G-2; Boyle p. 44.) Bring binoculars.
Directions: Take route 206 N to Andover. About 1.6 miles N of the traffic light in Andover, turn right onto Goodale Road (just past the lake on the right). Drive about 0.6 mile on Goodale Road to the parking lot on the left overlooking Twin Lakes
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Celebrate Autumn at the Sanctuary this Week!
The leaves are changing at Scherman-Hoffman, and we are super excited to ring in the new season with our Tree ID Fall Foliage and Fall Family Fun at Antler Ridge Wildlife Sanctuary programs this weekend! Come up to the Sanctuary to see all of the rich foliage and enjoy our programs.
We are also having a Bird Seed Sale this weekend! Support NJ Audubon by purchasing our high-quality locally grown bird seed, mixes, and suet at our Nature Store here at Scherman-Hoffman. Members receive 20% discount on their bird seed purchases.
Saturday, October 6
Digital Photography Workshop 2: Composition
Led by Phil Witt and Dave DesRochers. Workshop 2 will focus on composition – that is, capturing the best image. The workshop will also begin covering the basics of digital editing. Although the workshop will demonstrate digital editing using PhotoShop, the majority of the editing techniques can be implemented in other digital editing programs. The workshop will be organized around three nature photography principles: light, composition, and moment. You can attend this workshop without having attended Workshop I.
$12 members, $20 non-members
FREE Saturday Family Fun Program: River
Bring your family to Scherman -Hoffman for a fun-filled hour exploring with our naturalists our habitats and the animals and plants that live here. We’ll head down the trail to the Passaic River with nets and buckets to look for crayfish and aquatic insects.
Sunday, October 7
Glenhurst Meadows Field Trip
Extensive wildflower meadows among old oak groves and other hardwoods along the Passaic River. Sparrows are the highlight. Trails will be wet if there is any recent rain, so wear rubberwaterproof boots. Meet at the Glenhurst Open Space parking lot on Mountain Ave. (Take the driveway to the end.) Led by Mike Newlon.
$15 members, $20 non-members
Fall Family Fun at Antler Ridge Wildlife Sanctuary
Led by John Parke. Come bring the family and enjoy a great half-day of wildlife -watching with a NJ Audubon naturalist and staff of the Antler Ridge Wildlife Sanctuary, a 120-acre preserved farm located in rural Warren County. Licensed by the state of New Jersey to care for native mammals, the Sanctuary is dedicated to rehabilitating these animals back to health so they can be returned to the wild where they belong. We will explore the property’s trail system through meadows, forest, and wetlands to look for native wildlife, and then witness the release of rehabilitated animals back to the wild. Antler Ridge is located at 52 County Road 661, Newton, NJ 07860. Parking is limited (20 cars), so you must preregister with NJ Audubon Scherman -Hoffman Wildlife Sanctuary by calling 908.766.5787.
Fall Foliage Tree ID
Why do tree leaves turn color? How do you identify trees both in summer and winter? Learn some basic tree vocabulary in order to identify trees in an indoor and outdoor presentation. Check out the variety of trees on the trails at Scherman -Hoffman Wildlife Sanctuary. Led by Dorothy Smullen. Preregistration required. Limit 15.
$7 members, $10 non-members
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Looking Back on our Hawk Weekend
Our Hawk Weekend here at the Sanctuary was certainly a great weekend for birders! Below you can find the counts for both Saturday and Sunday. In addition to some great birding, we also had a great turn out--on Saturday alone 115 people came out to the Sanctuary!
Having Pete Dunne at Scherman Hoffman was fantastic. For more information on the second edition of his book Hawks in Flight , I recommend taking a look at this great review by Jeff Bouton.
Also take a look at Margo Beller's blog post about the weekend!
Osprey: 9
Bald Eagle: 14
N. Harrier: 2
Sharpie: 12
Coop: 15
Red Shoulder Broad Wing: 832
Kestrel: 4
Merlin: 0
Osprey: 22
Bald Eagle: 3
N. Harrier: 1
Sharpie: 16
Coop: 5
Red Shoulder Broad Wing: 1653
Kestrel: 6
Merlin: 1
Having Pete Dunne at Scherman Hoffman was fantastic. For more information on the second edition of his book Hawks in Flight , I recommend taking a look at this great review by Jeff Bouton.
Also take a look at Margo Beller's blog post about the weekend!
Hawk Weekend Counts
Osprey: 9
Bald Eagle: 14
N. Harrier: 2
Sharpie: 12
Coop: 15
Red Shoulder Broad Wing: 832
Kestrel: 4
Merlin: 0
Osprey: 22
Bald Eagle: 3
N. Harrier: 1
Sharpie: 16
Coop: 5
Red Shoulder Broad Wing: 1653
Kestrel: 6
Merlin: 1
This weekend: Mushroom Meander, Hawks, and More!
Saturday, September 22
9:00 a.m. to noon
Join Hawkwatch director Henry Kielblock at one of the premier hawk-watching locations, Scott’s Mountain Hawkwatch at Merrill Creek . The program will begin indoors with a hawk identification workshop at the Merrill Creek Visitor’s Center. Then we’ll head out to the inlet/outlet tower to observe and count hawks as they pass overhead. Hawkwatch data is submitted to the Hawk Migration Association of North America. Please meet at Merrill Creek Visitor’s Center.
Cost: $15 members,
$20 nonmembers.
Directions to Visitor’s Center,off of Richline Road . Reach it from Route 57 west, right on Montana Road, up the hill and left on Richline Road to the Merrill Creek sign, then left into the nature center, staying right at the fork until you come to the parking lot. OR, from 78 on the south or 80 on the north, take Route 519 to Fox Farm Road in Harmony. Turn onto Fox Farm Road and follow it, staying right at the Y, past the reservoir to Richline Road . Turn right on Richline, proceed to the Merrill Creek sign, turn right and proceed as above. Facilities several places.
Sunday, September 23
3:00 to 4:00 p.m.
Join Dorothy Smullen, former president of the New Jersey Mycological Association, on a stroll through the woodland trails looking for mushrooms and other fungi. Not only are fungi important as nature’s recyclers, but many also are essential for the health of oak and pine forests.
Come and check out the variety. Preregistration required. Limit 15.
Cost: Free.
Saturday, September 22
2:00 to 3:00 p.m.
Bring your family to Scherman-Hoffman for a fun-filled hour exploring with our naturalists and habitats. This week’s topic is the Field where you and your family can explore the field with nets and bug boxes to see who lives there.
Cost: FREE.
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Hawk Weekend Sept 15-16!
Our exciting Hawk Weekend is about to start! We have several hawk-related events happening this weekend. To pre-register for any of these events and to learn more about them, go to our calendar.
Hawk Programs
Pete Dunne at the Sanctuary
On September 15-16 from 10am-4pm, author and NJA staff member Pete Dunne will be at the Scherman-Hoffman Wildlife Sanctuary in Bernardsville to teach attendees about a mass southbound migration of Broad-winged Hawks. This raptor spectacle is highly visible with the birds traveling in massed groups called “kettles.” Flocks may number in the hundreds and thousands. Stop by the sanctuary for this great, drop-in event!
Hawks in Autumn
This work shop led by birder and NJA staff member Pete Bacinski will offer a comprehensive look at magnificent Hawks in flight and perched. You will also learn the keys to identification and much more from this presentation on Sunday, September 16 from 1:30-3:30pm. Stop by before and chat with Pete Dunne as well! Cost: $20 members, $25 non-members.
Montclair Hawk Watch
This family-friendly hawk watch from 9am-noon on Saturday, September 15 is another great addition to our hawk-filled weekend. We'll be on hand to help you identify and spot hawks as the move through the ridges of the Watchung Mountains. Park along Edgecliff Road (Just off of Bradford Ave. in Cedar Grove) and look for the pathway to the stairs. The stairway is steep, but worth the effort. Bring a hat, water, a folding chair, and binoculars. Pre-registration requested. Free.
Other Programs
Kittatinny Valley Nature Walk
The second of many, this walk led by NJA naturalists will take place from 8:00am-11:30am on September 15. Meet in the parking lot on the left at the south end of twin lakes on Goodale Road, Andover. This is about .5 miles east of Route 206. Bring Binoculars. Free. Cosponsored by NJA and the Paulinskill Valley Trail Committee.
Equipment/Exposure Photo Workshop
Interested in learning about photography? Our skilled teachers Phill Witt and Dave DesRochers will teach the first of three photo workshops on Saturday, September 15 from 10am-12:30pm. The main focus will be on reviewing the basics of nature photography. Cost: $12 members, $20 non-members.
Hawk Programs
Pete Dunne at the Sanctuary
On September 15-16 from 10am-4pm, author and NJA staff member Pete Dunne will be at the Scherman-Hoffman Wildlife Sanctuary in Bernardsville to teach attendees about a mass southbound migration of Broad-winged Hawks. This raptor spectacle is highly visible with the birds traveling in massed groups called “kettles.” Flocks may number in the hundreds and thousands. Stop by the sanctuary for this great, drop-in event!
Hawks in Autumn
This work shop led by birder and NJA staff member Pete Bacinski will offer a comprehensive look at magnificent Hawks in flight and perched. You will also learn the keys to identification and much more from this presentation on Sunday, September 16 from 1:30-3:30pm. Stop by before and chat with Pete Dunne as well! Cost: $20 members, $25 non-members.
Montclair Hawk Watch
This family-friendly hawk watch from 9am-noon on Saturday, September 15 is another great addition to our hawk-filled weekend. We'll be on hand to help you identify and spot hawks as the move through the ridges of the Watchung Mountains. Park along Edgecliff Road (Just off of Bradford Ave. in Cedar Grove) and look for the pathway to the stairs. The stairway is steep, but worth the effort. Bring a hat, water, a folding chair, and binoculars. Pre-registration requested. Free.
Other Programs
Kittatinny Valley Nature Walk
The second of many, this walk led by NJA naturalists will take place from 8:00am-11:30am on September 15. Meet in the parking lot on the left at the south end of twin lakes on Goodale Road, Andover. This is about .5 miles east of Route 206. Bring Binoculars. Free. Cosponsored by NJA and the Paulinskill Valley Trail Committee.
Equipment/Exposure Photo Workshop
Interested in learning about photography? Our skilled teachers Phill Witt and Dave DesRochers will teach the first of three photo workshops on Saturday, September 15 from 10am-12:30pm. The main focus will be on reviewing the basics of nature photography. Cost: $12 members, $20 non-members.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Next Weeks' Programs: New Gallery Exhibit and More!
Next week our fall programs officially start! You will find them listed below and feel free to visit our online calendar for more events!
I would also like to share with everyone a unique opportunity coming up this month for seven lucky birders to go on an NJA field trip to the Cornell Lab of Ornithology and the Sapsucker Woods in Ithaca, NY. Interested? Click here to learn more!
I would also like to share with everyone a unique opportunity coming up this month for seven lucky birders to go on an NJA field trip to the Cornell Lab of Ornithology and the Sapsucker Woods in Ithaca, NY. Interested? Click here to learn more!
Saturday, September 8
Kitattinny Valley Nature Walk8:00-11:30am
Led by Tom Halliwell, Joe Burgiel, or other NJA naturalists. Cosponsored by NJA and the Paulinskill Valley Trail Committee. Meet in the parking lot on the left at the south end of twin lakes on Goodale Road , Andover . This is about 0.5 mile east of Route 206 (DeLorme 24, G-2; Boyle p. 44.) Bring binoculars.
Intro to the Pine Barrens
10:00am to 12:00 noon
This is a two-hour lecture and discussion about New Jersey ’s most unique region. It will cover the plants, birds, herptiles (reptiles and amphibians), and mammals of the region. Geology, hydrology, and history, including the iron industry and the “lost” towns, will also be illustrated. Maps and other materials will be given out. This program is designed for teachers to meet NJ Core Curriculum Standards.
Cost: $15 members
$20 nonmembers
FREE Family Saturday Program: Vernal Pools
Bring your family to Scherman-Hoffman for a fun-filled afternoon of looking for tadpoles, frogs, and insects while exploring the on-site habitat!
Sunday, September 9
Wayrick Wildlife Art Gallery Reception for Henry Kielblock's Images of Kenya
From September through December the NJ Audubon Scherman Hoffman Wildlife Sanctuary’s Isobel Wayrick Wildlife Art Gallery will feature the photography of Henry Kielblock in his exhibit Images of Kenya . On the subject of his show, Kielblock says, “[My] Kenya photo safari made real my life-long dream of seeing and photographing Africa 's awesome wildlife.” You can see a preview of some of his photos from this exhibit listed below.
Kielblock’s photography has appeared in several magazines and on several book covers. His work is often of outdoor scenes, usually animals, birds, and landscapes, but also flowers, churches, lighthouses, and more. He is winner of several awards in county, state, and national photography contests. His work has been shown in county libraries and at Merrill Creek Reservoir, and you can view some of his photos on his website.
Art by Our Campers
Our summer camps are in their last session this week, and in celebration of a wonderful summer we have posted some of our campers' art! As always, you can learn about our summer camps on our website.
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Spring and Summer at Scherman Hoffman
Thursdays: May 10, May 17, May 24 and May 31 9:30 – 10:30 am
Story, mini-hike and craft for children (age 2-4) and care-giver.
Preregister 908-766-5787 $5 per child –members; $7 non-members
Thursdays: May 10 to June 21 6:30 – 7:30 pm
Join Diane Errnst to relax and unwind in a beautiful setting…foster a sense of inner peace as you improve flexibility. Preregister 908-766-5787 $20 per class. Bring a mat
Saturdays: June 2 and 16 2:00 – 3:00 pm
June 2 – Head to the river and explore with nets and buckets.
June 16 – Explore the field to see who lives there using bug boxes.
Saturday, June 2 9:00 am
Plant list is posted at
Don’t surf the web? Call 908-766-5787 to request plant sale list by mail.
Wonderful native plants: wildflowers, grasses, ferns, shrubs and small trees
Saturday, June 16 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 PM
Field Guides, Site Guides, Natural History Literature, “Coffee Table books” etc. We haven’t had a used book sale in about ten years so there are a lot of good books on the table.
Saturday, June 16 10:00 to 12:00 A.M.
NJ Audubon’s Pete Bacinski will lead this comprehensive identification workshop on New Jersey ’s migrant and resident shorebirds. From sandpipers to plovers, he will share his knowledge and the tips from the pros of shorebird identification. Pete has been a tour and workshop leader for over 25 years. Pre-register at 908-766-5787 Cost: $20 members, $25 non-members.
Saturday, June 23
10:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M
Put on your overalls and join NJ Audubon and Desai Farms of Lebanon for a fun, old-fashioned down on the farm day right here at Scherman Hoffman! Desai Farms will bring their alpaca, miniature horse, and goats. We will offer goat milking demonstrations throughout the day, and you will have the opportunity to give a try! There will also be fiber demonstrations when you can try your hand at carding, spinning, and weaving. Cost: $5.00 per car FREE if you arrive in “green” style: For info 908-766-5787
Saturday, July 7 1:30 to 4:00 pm
Want to attract more birds and other wildlife to your property but not sure how to establish a habitat garden at your home or school? Bring a rough diagram of your property to class and we’ll help you get started. Topics covered include site evaluation and selection, wildlife needs and plant selections especially for our part of New Jersey . Presented by Mary Masilamani, a Rutgers Environmental Steward and member of several garden societies.
Please preregister by calling 908-766-5787. Limit 15 Fee: Free to members; $5 nonmembers.
Saturday, July 14 10:30 -12:30 am
This is a comprehensive workshop on the identification of our warblers in their basic (fall) plumage with discussion of expectation dates and natural history. A PowerPoint presentation will illustrate many of these similar looking birds. Please bring a field guide with illustrations of these warblers to this workshop. Pete has been a tour and workshop leader for over 25 years.
Cost: $20 members; $25 non-members. Call 908-766-5787 to preregister.
Saturday, July 21 2:00 to 4:30 pm FREE
Are you familiar with the common butterflies and dragonflies of your area? Come and learn about these fascinating and beautiful members of the insect world. After an indoor presentation to aid in identification and appreciation, we will scout the fields and ponds. Led by Tom Halliwell and Dorothy Smullen. Suitable for 8 years old and up.
Preregister by calling 908-766-5787 Limit 20
Saturday, August 4 10:30 A.M. to 11:30 P.M.
Saturday, August 18 2:00 to 4:30 pm
Join teacher/naturalist Dorothy Smullen for an afternoon of appreciation for ferns, mosses, liverworts, lichens and fungi found on the forest floor. After an indoor introduction to their structure and life cycles we will search for these for these often overlooked spore-bearers on the trails at Scherman Hoffman Sanctuary. Please preregister by calling 908-766-5787. Bring a 10x loupe if you have one. Limit 15
Cost: members, free; nonmembers, $5.
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Saturday, January 14, 2012
8:45 a.m. to early afternoon
Join Carole Hughes to explore this outstanding site to look for raptors, passerines, gulls and waterfowl.
Pre-registration required by calling 908-766-5787.
Cost: $15 NJA members $20 nonmembers.
Saturday, January 14, 2012
10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. with Phil Witt and Dave DesRochers
Workshop 3 is a continuation of Workshop 2, with a focus on in-camera composition and PhotoShop editing. Workshop 3 will cover additional PhotoShop tools and useful plug-ins, such as Nik Viveza, Imagenomic Noiseware, and Photmatix HDR plug-in. The workshop will focus on solving common photographic problems--obtaining the correct exposure, dealing with extreme dynamic range, getting a sharp image, toning down an overly bright sky, straightening a crooked horizon line, etc.
Pre-registration required by calling 908-766-5787.
Cost: $8 NJA members, $15 nonmembers (can be applied to membership).
Saturday, January 14, 2012
2:00 to 4:30 p.m.
Using just the fungus and water, you will create small pieces of hand-crafted paper. Using molds and deckles and different kinds of fungi, many colors of paper will be created. Bring a small plant press if you have one, newspapers for pressing and some pieces of old sheets.
Limit – 8. Preregistation required. Please call 908-766-5787 to register.
Cost: $15 NJA members, $25 nonmembers
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